To see the previous terms web page, click here

Buying the book A tutorial on enrolling on snap2007 To access the snap site, click here To bring down a copy of the Syllabus for Spring'10, click here To link to the CCP web page click here

Welcome to Marc Rauer's web site for the end of the Spring '10 classes. Two locations you may be interested. A discussion of the excel test and powerpoint and End of class very special 10 point extra credit

To see codes for enrolling on snap2007, click the snap2007 tutorial above.

Your excel test will be done in class during the weeks of April 19-23 and April 26-29:Test schedule:Tuesday, April 20, Thursday, April 22, Monday, April 26, Wednesday, April 28. Click here to see the files used in these tests and you can download them if you like

Thx to a lot of problems during break, including one bug that took two days to resolve as far as programming, I am late in putting on this tutoral which you might find interesting if you are preparing a resume.

The origins of this exercise are kind of cute (although aggravatig at the time) but the emphasis is how to condense a letter.

While dancing over the last week - the only other activity your instructor did besides programming - I did have a conversation with another dancer about how different technology would have been if the US had lost WWII and this centers around the Battle Of Midway. I had written about this last term for classes and you are welcome to see this discussion using this link

For our second meeting of CIS103-36 (Feb 17th, 2010)

We will be doing the snap tutorial, so bring the book and the pamplet thst contains your activation code. Then, we will discuss file structure as in the other classes and look at doing a little tutorial as follows.

On the fly create a new folder on the desktop. In that folder, populate it with a new Microsoft Word 2007 word file and change the default name of the file to cis103.docx. Similarly create a new Excel 2007 file esignated as cis103.xlxs, a new powerpoint file designated as cis103.pptx and a new text file designated as cis103.txt. Open cis103.docx and cis103.txt and enter your name. How does the size of each of these files grow.

Look at the types of selection. Clicks, ctrl clicks, shift clicks and ctrl A. Use ctrl A to set up the situation of copying all these files to a flash drive (It wouldn't be a bad idea to bing some flash memory). Now, we'll change our focus to the flash memory and use send to to move this back onto my documents.

Once done with the tutorial on files, let's enter MS Word 2007 and look at the differences between this version and the previous.

For Week 1 for both WERC and NERC (jan 19/21,2010)

As indicated in the syllabus, you are required to buy the book. Part of the purchase is a code to allow you on the snap site, where there are tutorials and you will be doing your Word test.

A brief discussion of security issues pertaining to the snap web site can be found clicking this link.

Note: if you are using IE8, you may need to move into IE7 compatibility when bringing down the XStream player. There is a tutorial on the snap site to show you how to enter IE7 compatibility mode while using IE8. However, in a nut shell the picture to the right explains what to do as does the tutorial above for enrolling on snap

Whatever the Office component, there is a need to use the Windows operating system to move, delete and change files. Files are the underlying block of the operating system and the files are organized into folders (directories are another term for this). A filename is made up of 2 parts. The part before the last dot (.) is called the name and the part after the last ot is called an extension. The extension is of importance in what we are going to do next. Microsoft has guided windows into what they call a "documentcentric" way of doing things. The extension of a file is what tells the operating system what application program that file can be used with. For example, doc and docx are associated with MS Word. Since the operating system knows what application a file is associated with, to use that application with the file in question, one need only click (or double click) the file. Keep this in mind as we do Frank Coyne's tutorial. Frank Coyne's Assignment Note: you cannot at the moment do this assignment outside of the school because the Q-shared drive can only be accessed from the school computers. Your instructor has CDs available that copy thse files and you can recreate Frank's files n your machine. Keep in mind that your system is using the C drive so replace C for the Q indicated in Frank's tutorial if you try this at home

Note: We went a little further at NERC than at WERC in the first week in showing this. At NERC we did create a folder with some file on the fly and used some advanced keyboard technigues to access some and all the files

For Week 2 at WERC (Jan 28, 2010), Some of this will be discussed Week 3 NERC

In the last class, we began but didn't go far in trying to explain file structure and its use with MS Office. Let's start today's discussion by cntinuing this

First, even without understanding Windows file structure, office makes use of a folder (directory) to hold its files. This is the my documents folder you may see on the desktop and the my document (documents in vista) option on the start button. In XP, my pictures is a subfolder of my documents (In vista Pictures is independent). By default, any files created (or to be accessed) by office component programs are assumed to be in the folder/directory. But, you should recognize that this could become very crowded. Here's where knowing a little about file structure can be a positive. You can put files in a folder (subfolder) in other areas of your system including on the desktop or as part of the my documents/documents directory. This is what we will start with today.

Let's enter My Documents and create a new sub folder which we will designate as test. The picture below shows the start of this. Notice that the context menu of the desktop has a new option of which a folder is a possibility. Once the folder is created, rename it test as you see below right. Now, let's enter it by clicking on it and let's populate it with several files. The windows operating system allows for quick (on the fly) creation of files types that are registered with it. All office components do this once put on your system.

The second section of the new context menu indicated when we created the test folder has plenty of file options. Let's create a new word file, a new excel file, a new powerpoint file and a new txt file, calling these word1 for word, excel1 for excel, powerpoint1 for powerpoint and text1 for txt. Below is the beginning of this using Word.

Similarly, let's do this for excel, powerpoint, and the text file. We should end up as indicated below

Now, let's play around with selection. Move your cursor over any of the files and click. Do the same for another file. Notice that the first clicked file is no longer selected. Do the same thing but when dealing with the second file use the control key in addition to the click. Notice both files are selected. Now. click on any file. Use shift and click for another file. All the files (and the used for clicks) should be highlighted. Finally, use ctrl A within test folder. Everything should be selected.

All right, you can select. What do you do with it. Generally, the main situation would be for copying or cutting these files. You have three choices: cut and paste, drag and drop and send to. Let's concentrate on send to on this screen and in class, we'll handle all of them. Click ctrl A to select all the files. If you have a flash memory device, put this into your machine. Click the right button for context menu and select send to. Select your flash memory device and the files are automatically copied these.

Other things discussed in most classes

Because we are at main campus and we all have accessibility to the Q drive, you should try the Frank Coyne tutorial on your own. You can access this as a word document by clicking here. In addition, some of the below items were done n class and the others could be done in class if we had the time. In some of the classes we created a folder and populated that folder with various types of files.

Let's explore Word 2007.

Let's try to modify the quick access toolbar. We are going to aim at getting autotext back onto Word. Your instructor will discuss autotext with you. This option runs differently than on previous versions of Word.

  1. Click the office button (I called it the vista button) on top left
  2. Click the word options button
  3. Click the customize option
  4. Where you see popular commands - this is designated as a combo box in Windows - click the control and select commands not in ribbon
  5. Below this is a list box. Move yourself down until you see autotext and cick the add button to the right. This should move autotext in the quick access list box to the right of he button
  6. Click ok and you will see the autotext icon in quick access.
  7. Notice there are only 2 possibilities and either possibility leaves much to be desired. We'll change that now

  8. Now as to using this, we are getting into more advanced sections of Word, but we'll show it to you here and we may see this later in the course
  9. Let's type in what every college student sends home in a letter. Hi Mom and Dad, send Money.
  10. Drag your mouse over this text to be selected
  11. You have two ways to do this You can use the insert tab on the ribbons and click quick parts or click the new icon and click save selection.
  12. Click save selection to quick parts gallery.
  13. A dialog box comes up. Leave the name as it is, but click in Gallery and choose autotext
  14. Either way Autotext is now a part of quick parts (and building blocks). This is something to be discussed later in the term but for now, click OK. Now go back to quick parts and the autotext icon. Click that and you will see Hi Mom and Dad, send money as one of the possiblities
  15. Click here for a continuation of the Werc 6-8:30 lecture

Although this may already have been discussed, this document Intro to Word 2007 which you can link to by clicking, discusses some of the changes in Word 2007 from previous versions. At it's end if a little assignment for you to modify the quick access toolbar to display the icon for autotext. additionally, I expect to add sonetime in the near future a section to my tchnical website,, that will discuss the building block concept of MS word.

Additional for NERC on 2/2/10 and WERC on 2/4/10 and Main campus on Feb 8

Let's first start with some definitions in word processing. We start with a single character. This, in essence, represents a byte as was discussed in the previous class. Now, as an aside, a Microsoft word file is larger than the sum of bytes that you see as text with a minimin of 10K (10000) bytes excess. Now, after the byte, a set of contiguous (together) bytes delimited (separated) by spces or beginnng a paragraph or ending a paragraph or involved with punctuation is a word. Notice that this definition des not involve whether the word has meaning so don't use this with a language teacher. Next, a group of words ending in punctuation creates a sentence. Again, the sentence does not have to have meaning. A group of sentences delimited by use of the enter key denotes a paragraph. Now, again, don't use this definition with your language instructor. But, paragraphs, delimited with the enter key, are important since many Word instructions are defined as such - paragraph instructions. A set of paragraphs fitting on a page printed by your printer denots a page. And the set of pages that make up your document denote a document and a document is, in essence, a file and we've come full circle

You should be asking about the printer, then. How does it determine a page. Printers have a physical quality: only so much, given the parameters of the document, can be printed. Any more, and you create a pysical page break. How does your system know when that capacity is met? Through the use of drivers that interact between your printer and the operating system. Microsoft has some specific requirements for each printer and the printer manufacturer tries to fulfill these. In essence, what you are typing and seeing in word is a representation of what yuor printer should look like. Keep in mind that there are difference between your terminal and printer and this coms out when lots of graphics comes into play. To overcome this, print preview has been created to bridge the gap but even this is not 100% accurate

With this blank document, let's do a little bit of work in word. Type your name. Notice the movement of the cursor. Word has at least 2 cursors in operation, one being text, the other mouse. Text generally moves between the head of the document and the end of the document. You should be seeing the cursor blink, this is the text cursor. Move your mouse around and notice the kind of I that the mouse coursor makes

Each hit of the keyboard represents a byte, if you will, and also a character. If you used your first and last name, you have grouped characters separated by a space and ending in the end of the document and starting at the home position of the document. You have created 2 words. These words are part of a paragraph. This will be represented below on the status bar. You can see more info my right clicking the status bar and looking at the statistics in the first separation.

You can select data by Ctl A. Similar to when used in file structure, this selects all the text. ued in the operating system.

With all the text selected, we want to look at copy and paste. But first, a discussion. Controls in word are either character commands or paragraph commands. In character commands, that we will deal with now, we break down into two possibilities: a place holder or selected data. With selected data you will see instantaneous changes. With a place holder, you will need to go to that spot and start to type.

With this full selection, we will see instant results. Up in the home ribbon, the first group is clipboard. What is this? and how is it used?

The clipboard is a system wide resource in your computer. it is available to any Windows compatible program. It holds data that is cut or copied. It brings that data back when paste is invoked. paste on your system through context sensitive menus will will be grayed out if a copy or cut has yet to take place during a session.

Click copy (although generally in Word one uses cut). Move your cursor to the end - you can use ctl end - and click paste. Replicated data has appeared. The clipboard, which as described is a part of the operating system, can be shown by clicking the lower control on the clipboard group. By the way, what would have happened if we would have used cut and paste?

Besides a straight paste, you can alter the way data is pasted in. Text can be made to look like a picture which we designate using the term graphic. Let' try this. Select the bottom part of the paste icon and you will get a list that includes paste special.. Clicking this gives you some options including Windows metafile. Use trhis and the result is somewhat startling. You can't get a cursor on it as it has come back as one large mass. As a graphic.

This is not as surprising as it might seem. In essence, all data, whether supposedly text or graphics is graphics. Interpretation is done to determine where on this graphics a cursor should reside. This is a difficult concept for novices and this class is not designed to discuss all aspects of this. But you should understand that no character that you typed was really such. It is in the end a set of pixels. A pixel (shorthand for picture element) is a very small block on your terminal. The higher the reslution, the more pixels you have. A pixel can have a color attached to it. Manipulation of pixels is how text is put onto your terminal. SOmewhere in memory your name is represented in bytes. On the scrren, those butes have been transformed into pixels. THis is necessary for other things we will be talking about, such as fonts, italics, boldness and point size.

The picture below shows Marc written three times, the first in Times Roman, the next in Arial and then in impact. Look at the difference between the replications. This represents the different mathematical representations used in these fonts. What should be a surprise to you is that the picture below was not created in Word, but in paint, a graphics program. You would not be able to move a cursor onto any of these letters. THis is what Word sees. It has intelligence to break down the underlying bytes and determine where a cursor should be placed. In this example, it should be clear why the clipboard can bring back a picture, it really was a picture to start with.

To prove the universality of this, let's propagate your name. Open textbox and click paste. There's your name, that's not a surprise as we are daling with text. Open excel and click paste in a cell. There's your name. Open paint amd click paste. You get your name but without a cursor similar to what we saw in word

Let's go find more statistics. Click the vista symbol. prepare and properties. A section is opened giving information, some of which is defaulted by your system. This is meta data about your file.

Click document properties and advanced properties. General is blank as this document has not been saved (or alreay on file). Statistics gives you full statistics inclusing number of characters. Custom allows you to enter very specific info about the document. At one time this was married to the operating system but in recent years this has been separated.

Let's get back to our document. Move your cursor to the last letter. Hit the enter key. You have created a paragraph which in word processing is defined as the hit of the enter key. Paragraphs can also be deleted. When added, data ia moved down and in essence to the left. When a paragraph is deleted, data is move up and the right. Notice, at the moment, you cannot see any trace of the paragraph. Now, let's continue. Type in Community College Of Phila.

What do we now have - 2 paragraphs. Let's see if we can markrs indicating paragrapghs. In the paragraph group of home. click the backward paragraph icon. What do you see. Characters indicating paragraphs and spaces. What if you printed at this point. These would not show up.

Let's do a little navigation. Click Ctrl Home. What happens. Click Ctl End. Where are you now. Click home. click end. Some navigation can be done by these types of hot keys.

You can also use your mouse. This is specific to a spot. Your mouse can also select data by drag (depress your left button and move the mouse). You can also select data by keyboard by moving your mouse into position, depressing shift and moving the direction keys.

Let's do an enhanced operation. Cursor drags can be enhanced by the ctl key. Drag the mouse over your last name. Now, with the ctl key down, drag your mouse over community. Click copy and then paste. What happened?

If we get this far, let's load us this file and do some paragraph commands Seuss.doc

Depending on time, we will do some other character commands. But, near the end of the class, we will return to the technology and discuss pixels a little more in length.

Week 3/4 NERC Feb 9, 2010, Main campus on Monday, Feb 15th, WERC thursday Feb 18

We’re going to try to short circuit some of this backlog for this class keeping in mind that this class is cancelled next week, Feb 16th.

Open up the seuss document. Click at the bottom to see the statisitics. This is not a large document, but we can use it.

First, previous discussions dealt with character and character commands. Notice we have some paragraphs. How do we determine this. One way is hide/show. Clicking on hide/show, you will see indicators for paragraphs and spaces. If we had a table, you would see indicators within the cells.

Now, what has been done is wrong and you should not do this. Each line has been made a paragraph and you have no control using Word when doing this. In fact, let’s take some examples: center the supposed first paragraph. Notice: only one line is being worked on. Deal with indenting. Again, notice this is not affecting anything beyond one line.

Let’s make a change. Delete the paragraph indicators at the end of line 1,2, and 3. Your document should look better and a ct better. Try the above with this new first paragraph.

Let’s do the same with rest of the document. In the end you should have 6 paragraphs including the first that acts as a title.

Now, let’s take a look at the fourth justification designated as justify. Try this on the second paragraph. What does it do? Now, we can prove out what was said about paragraphs working differently as far as selection. Using your control key, select one word of the 3rd and sixth paragraph and repeat the question of full justification.

Let’s play with the ruler. To do so, we need to discuss paragraph topography which your instructor should be showing on the board. We will use the ruler to indent the first line, outdent the other lines and move the beginning of lines accordingly. The ruler can also be used for tabbing but we will let that go in this class.

Discussion for CIS 103 - 36 on 3/5/10

We made modification to the seuss file on Wednesday. To use the seuss file with these changes, click here. The changes to the original would involve creating real paragraphs as opposed to lines.

Now, look at margins on this page on the page layout tab. You can manipulate margins through this as we shall do, but in addition, you can manipulate margins through the ruler as your instructor may show you.

While discussing page layout, he may also discuss orientation and page size and what this means. Not to mention the question of cheating on the right and bottom margin when needed.

Now this document can allow us to look at navigation. Use Ctrl Home and Ctrl End. Also Home and End. In addition let’s use CTRL A and, not surprisingly all the text is selected.

This version of Word has some changes in cursors. In previous version your text cursor was constrained between ctrl home and ctrl end. Move your mouse cursor below the text end. Double click and this version of Word will add blank text to meet the mouse cursor. In doing complicated graphics with text, this is a great addition.

We have been discussing paragraph commands. Notice as we have done this that for one paragraph all you need to do is move your cursor on it. For multiple paragraphs you must indicate to the system that you have selected them. This could be as easy as dragging your mouse through the paragraphs or as complex as using the control key to add to your selection. We'll do both using the index keys that are contained in the paragraph group. Index is the preferable way of tabbing in this system. It uses as a default the tab set that each paragraph contains - half an inch across the page. Let's first use this on our first paragraph. Indent in and then use the accompaning icon to indent out. Now, let's do the follwojng. Use paragraphs 3 and 4. This is the second paragraph that we modified and the next line in what you thought was a paragraph in our previous discussion. Use you mouse to drag and select portion of both paragraphs. Now, do your indent and outdent and notice that both paragraphs are moving synchronously.

Having successfully done this, can we use paragraphs that are not contiguous. Well, let's see. Highlight a little of the first paragraph we modified and move to the last line of the document which is a paragraph. Use you control key in addition to your mouse to select data. Now, try the indent and out dent again.

Let’s look at bulleting and numbering. These are paragraph commands. Highlight paragraphs 1 through 3. Let’s do bullets. With bullets, you can add symbols and pictures which we can try to do. Let’s try numbering. Again, we can change a multitude of things including the type of number and the separator. When we use a more advanced document, we will try to use a picture as a bullet and you'll see it is pretty easy. The numbering technique is the basis of outline which we are not covering in this course but you may want to look at on your own.

For this week, let’s introduce you to styles. There is major changes to this from the previous version making it somewhat easier. Click a paragraph and you will see the normal style selected. You can preview already existing styles to see what would look good and we'll do this in class. We will create a new quick style sometime in the future. Styles can be both a character and paragraph command.

Let's move our attention to character commands. Selecting characters can be done with mouse but also with CTRL A. This is similar to what we may have looked at as far as files in a hierarchy is concerned. Try it. Notice that all text is selected. Like any mouse selection, a click negates your prior selection.

Let's move to the left of the home tab. This is the cut/copy and paste location. Cut, copy and paste are character commands and therefore need you to select the text in question. Cut and paste is a copy and past where the original text is deleted. Now, keep in mind that this inot a delete and if you ever delete in error, you will find the paste does not work and your resolution of this is to undo. And, as a matter of fact, since we did not do undo in a previous class, this would not be a bad time to show you undo and redo. Ever since we started this "launch" of word, it has been monitoring what we g=have been doing and keeping tabs. Click the clockwise circle control in the quick assist bar and you can see this. Word, today, is really a programming language and the programmers do your commands by invoking what's known as the visual basic for applications for Word programming language. In some way, this language allows for the undo and redo capability of Word.

Anyway, let's return to cut,copy and paste. Without a cut or copy taking place, your paste icon throughout your system is grayed out. This only becomes active when a cut or copy has occurred. Let's try a copy and paste. Take the last line and do this procedure. Now it works in Word - how about other application. Your instructor will bring back wat was copied in word in notebook, excel and paint. It is system wide. Further, your instructor will bring this back as a picture in word and try to expain this.

Let's do some preview as far as font and font size is concerned. Preview has become an integral part of this program - besides in font and fontsize selection -and is very useful

Font and fontsize are part of the font group of the home menu. Use the control bottom right to see the dialog box - this is the dialog box of previous versions that you would find at format/font. Let's look at this dislog box first as to the controls and then look at the ribbon controls which add other possibilities. First, let's take on of the paragraphs and select it and make it 36 points. Now back to the dialog box to discuss unerlines, strikethroughs, outline, shadow, engraving and embossing. Engraving and embossing is especially interesting as this is used by the Microsoft software engineers to create windows controls as your instructor will describe.

Okay, back to the ribbon. Select some text and let's look at small inceases and decreases in font size. We will not support clearing formatting although this can be a useful tool.

On the next line let's use bold, italics and underline. Bold and italics become part of the font structures as you instructor will explain. How about underline? Strike is here as it was on the dialog box (an this would also ertain to subscript and superscript). Let's look at casing and the 5 possibilities provided. Finally, we'll deal with color.

Here are some tutorials that could be of use.

For a discussion of pixels and fonts click here

Now, more discussion on fonts and pixels. Take a look at the next two pictures. The first is in a DOS window. This is text based. Fonts are faked. There is no kerning. You can see this by the fact that every half inch, something like 7 letters are displayed. The second piture is using fonts and kerning. Where the IJ combination is in existance, you will get more letters per specific width.

On the above pictures, concentrate on the ij. Notice on the DOS insert, i and j take the same amount of space (he perferations are on a half inch boundary of 2.54,3.04 and 3.54 inches). In the second picture, the perferations, again at half and inch, breakdown into 3 letters, 3 letters and 4 letters. Notice that the IJ conbination is quite close. How is this done?

Every font that your machin has avaialble to it provides a table indicating the spacing between 2 letters or symbols for each proportional font.

Another question that should be in your mind. How does the system deterine the representation of shapes for each character? First, the characters must be part of a font style so a cartogapher has already indicated generically how a font (and each character of such) should look. Then for the specific character, a series of mathematics, specific pixel placements and a template (your instructor believes that this is a 144 by 144 representation of each character) to use to recreate the synbol being used with a specific font. All the symbos for a font are created the first time a specific font is requested. Parameters going into what you see on the screen are point size and weight of the strokes.

Below is a table that indicates terminology when using fonts

Font StyleCartographer’s concept of how text should look
FontVariation of style depending on weight (below), slant
WeightAmount of ink – pixels – used in creation of character
serifBlock at end of character if fontstyle supports such. If not supported, font (style) is described as sans serif
BoldFont providing characters with extra weight
ItalicsFont is pivoted 30% (normally) from the bottom
PointGenerally 1/32 (or is it 1/64) of an inch. In the end it is the height of a period
Aspect Ratio of height of character to its width
Lower case Small letters
Upper case Large letters
Ascender Part of character above normal lower case character. Example, any cap or small b
Descender Part of character below normal lower case character. Example, j or y
Fixed font Size (height and width) of each character is the same. Most famous fixed fonts – courier and Huelvetica
Proportional Font Width of character varies depending on which character is next
Font Table Table indicating space between any two characters
Kerning Process in a proportional font of using the font table to set characters

For a discussion of cut and paste in prior versions of Word, click here

Lecture for the week of 2/21/10. (Week of 3.15.10 for CIS103/36)

click this link to load the Charlie's Angels word file. This is the file we are going to use for our discussions during this class

Note:During the summer students used a different file. For additional exposure to these concepts you are welcome to try the file they used. To do so, load the Thorne Smith Word file and do these same procedures. In addition, for more discussion on the thesaurus, you can see a little more information by clicking here.

Discussion Points

Discussion for the week of 3.1.10 for cis103 sections 50,101 and 20

Cover pages were not discussed on Tuesday, so we start with all these items. For Monday and Thursday, we start at item 3

Class lectures for the week of March 15th for sections 20, 50 and 101 and for 3/31/10 for CIS 103/36

Note for cis103/36. This starts our last week discussing Microsoft Word. In the next 2 lectures we will finish and this will include a discussion of history books and how authors utilize these ideas of reference in their own work. On Saturday, April 3, I will activate your Word test on Snap2007 and you will have 2 weeks to do it for 3 times max. More on this will be discussed in class. Next week, Apr 7th, we begin our lectures on Excel.

First part of lecture

Today, we should be wrapping up our study of MS Word or at least we hope. This version of Word is chock full of features and it is impossible to go over everything it contains in a survey course. As we move to other subjects, you may still want to practice learning new features of this application. One location on the Internet to expand your knowledge is which is the product information location for Word on the Microsoft web site.

For the 103/36 class, I believe we discussed bullets and numbering and I believe we also discussed borders and shading. As we discuss Excel, we will see other examples of bordering and sharing while in Microsoft office.

We have discussed in previous classes captions, table of figures and watermaks.

For our class today, we want to discuss the following

click this link to load the Charlie's Angels word file. This file includes the table of figures. We need a picture to add to our document. Access charlie's angels/charlie's angels cast members.jpg and put this into my documents or my pictures. Let's put this into page 2 of our document. Move into page 2 and click the insert riboon and then picture and select what you were just dealing with. The picture comes in line with text. We've talked about changing this before. Use position to move this appropriately on this page.

Now, let's tie this into the table of figures we did last week. You will remember that there were two captions. Now, let's add a third on this second picture (second from beginning). Notice the math - we are at figure 2. Use a cation indicating Charlie's Angels cast members. Now, move down to what was figure 2. It should now be figure 3. Move further down to the table of figures. We still only have two of these. Move your cursor over the table, click your right button and choose update field. On the dialog box that you will see, we need to update the entire table to include this new caption. When done we should see something like what is shown below. (without the red boxwhich indicates the snipping tool gone wild)

Another useful object is a text box. It is similar to a picture except that it contains text. The text is completely separate from the text of the document. This is useful for citing specific quotes within a document. Let's use "Now, they work for me. my name is Charlie" as our quote. Move to the 3rd page, click insert and then click text box. For this class, click draw text box and then use the cross hair to create this object. The same positioning options exist as they do for pictures although you will notice that text box enters differently, normally on top. Now enter our text and change the font size, bolding, Italics, you name it. Notice these changes do not affect the already existing text. Position in the middle of the page (or at least text wrap appropriately) and text wrapping will be in effect. Although we will not cover this, notice that textboxes do allow for templates similar to what we have seen in cover pages, etc.

There are many objects to play with, but let's conclude this part of the lecture using word art. Again, we get to this through the insert ribbon. Click on Wordart and fill in the text. There are many different possibilities to Word Art which kind of picturizes text, if you will. Your instructor no doubt will show various options but in the picture on the right you will see Word Art in the header and a text box underneath.

As to academic computing, we already looked at table of contents which you will not be tested on. In addition, you might want to study - on your own - how to do a table of index. For our purposes today, we will concentrate on

Note: We have already done captions and table of figures

For footnotes, let's create 2 of these. Find Carradine in your document. This is David Carradine. Let's footnote this in following manner: Bill in the Kill Bill movies. At the first mention of Charlie - this would be the first page - indicate a footnote that Charlie's voice was John Forsythe. Notice the numbering - even though John Forsythe was created second, it becomes the first footnote by placement.

Let's move these to end notes.Right click at a footnote, select note options nad ask for convert. Where are the footnotes now?

For research. This is spotty at the moment. Microsoft has changed it's online search engne to Bing and this would have to be included. I am in the midst of trying to figure out what you need to agree to in order to use Bing. But we'll attempt to show you how to start. In addition, Microsoft has a set of 3rd party databases that you can link to but there may be a cost for doing so.

Many book exist on this but we will document two books that deal with Charlie's Angels. One is the "Charlie's Angels Casebook" by David Hofstede, published by Pomegrante Press, Los Angeles. Another is Angelic Heaven - A fan's guide to Charlie's Angels by Mike Pingel, published by JM Media Group of New York. Let's enter this in manage sources. This is the same technique as a new citation but more generalized. Click new and you can enter the info about one of these books. Enter both books for our bibliography. Move the end of the document and click bibliography to list these. Below, we see the result.

Hofstede, D. Charlie's Angels Casebook. Los Angeles: Pomegrante Press.
Pingel, M. A fan;s guide to Charlie's Angels. New York: JM Media.

If we have some time, let's look at the following:

Second half discussion

We are going to create a document that I already have on the system. By creating this document as a Docx, we will see that there is quite of bit of additional capacity for graphics in this format. If you remain in the doc format, much will be hidden. So, our study of graphic objects (and other objects) will start with the catacomb.doc document which you can down load by clicking here. We are going to recreate this in class. We also need the picture, which you can download by clicking here

note: The header was not done in the Monday class and will probbly be skipped in the other classes. you might want to try this to if you would want to understand quick parts (building blocks) more fully. The main issue at the moment is the header. This introduces us to a new component of Word called building blocks or quick parts. We will do this in class but you can do this at home (the creation of a quick parts header) by following the tutorial on this type of creation by clicking here to pull up the catacomb.htm web tutorial

After the header, let's continue with the catacombs' problem, but there is a table to be created in this document. So, let's first study the word table tutorial that your insturctor has used in previous years.

But first, what is a table. Tables come out of mathematics. It is an attempt to govern the nature of two dimentional data representation. Mathematicians went back to the Greek and Roman architectural principals in dealing with the components. Verically, we have columns. Horizonally, we deal with rows. THe intersection of a row and a column is called a unit, cell or element. In data processing, we use the term cell. A cell's location is unique. Those dealing with cells generally designate them as row and column although Microsoft has been known to reverse this. Now, in studying tables, keep in mind that in word, these tables and cells are surrounded by text and the table is dealt in Word as if it's a big word. It moves in line with the preceding text. When we start to study Excel next week, we will see the Excel is only cells and there is no text to worry about outside of the cells.

At home when going over what we did in class in terms of tables, use the document indicated in Additonal resources which is a word document (you will bring that down onto your system. In class, we'll use the following link to study this tutorial on tables

So, with the study of tables, we have everything to complete the catacombs project. Either your instructor will supply a word document that contains the header complete in week 4, or you may suply your own. Click off the header as the rest of the document (except for the coupon) is done within the word buffer.

Your instructor has added a date to start our project off. Use of dates in the PC are functions of the operating system. Using the insert menu, click Date and time. You have quite a few options as far as date format, and you should understand that your options are dependent on the society to which you have registered your system. In addition, you have the ability to update the date using 'update automatically'. This will substitite any future date that you utilize this doucment.

Next we fill in what is called an address. It's a simple concept which can become involved when dealing with mail merge addresses. Luckily we are not doing that. The address consists of 3 paragraphs. Let's put it and deal with spacing.

As you aware, your instructor has indicated a change in the default font used in Word. This has also been the cause of changes in spacing within and between paragraphs. Look at the address in dicated below

The first address is in Calabri with all the defaults. The next is in Times Roman 12 and a 1 designating spacing between lines. Notice that total height is about the same as to the left. The third set wipes out the 10 pts that each of the other two is adding to the paragraph as it moves to the next paragraph. The default in previous versions of Word for this type of spacing between paragraphs was 0 pts, in this version is it 10 pts. You can turn this off as your instructor will show you.

Anyway, the next challenge is the border and shading of a paragraph as indicated below

Theoreticaly this could be done by either a text box or paragraph. Paragraphs have built in properties that include even more than spacing or margin. In Word, each paragraph can be bulleted or numbered, justified, bordered or shaded. Use the bottom right icon in the paragraph section to bring up a quick style menu. You can see here thatborders of all type can be initiated. In our case, the old way of previous version of Word is the better, so click on borders and shading. You will see the borders and shading tabbed dialog box as indicated below.

You have many options here and you should play with this on your own after the class. The first option is he type of border. Notice shadow. This option gives you an addiitonal amount of weight on the right and bottom border imitating depth. Additionally, you can choose the type of border and the weight of that border. In this case, the first style option, the unbroken line, coupled with a width of 4.5 will give the effect we want.

Let's look at shading by hitting the shading tab. Gear this for your audience. As we age, text intermingled with dark colors become less discernable. For older individuals, 10 to 15% shading should be the max. Younger individuals can discern greater mixtures of shading. For color, choose gray and you can decide what % shading should be initiated.

Another question that should arise: Why do this. In this example, this is being forced but this is a texhnique using the physiology of our eyes which are attracted to darkness surrounded by light. Indenting and adding spacing above and below a highlighted paragraph such as this is a guarantee that your reader's eyes will be attracted.

After this paragraph, the next big Word event is the table. This is a 5 row, 3 column table with the first row being a header. Using hte insert ribbon, select table and select the blocks needed to make a 5 by 3 table and click. In excel, the use of tables will be indicative of mathematics and logic. Generally, in Ms WOrd, use of tabes pertain to layout as in this problem. Now, fill in the table as indicated in the document. As indicated previously, movement is by tab key or mouse cursor. The table ribbons have appeared and these can be used to modify the table structure or deal with formating.

Once done, look at the design ribbon. Choose a table style (in previous versions of word this was called a format). Whatever you choose, this can augmented by the left most commands that include header and totals. In this case, we only have a header to worry about which oyu should click. In doing so, you are emphasizing the first row.

As mentioned before, you run into tables everywhere in data processing. I am at the moment in the process of programming similar structures in Visual Basic for my annual summer recycling project. The internet is full of tables. Until a technology designated as CSS became available in more modern browsers, tables wre what was used for most formatting. But invoking tables on the internet is quite different than in word - in fact much harder to control and to utilize. An example of formatting tables can be found in the this link where the web developer uses programming and merged files to get his effect.

A little further down we need to add the picture of Selina Kyle to our document. This has been greatly upgraded in this version of Word. Start with the insert ribbon, picture and select a picture. Pictures in Word are files of a certain type - pcx, bmp, gif,jpg,pnp, etc. These files in some way indicate pixel changes. We can use your instructor's qshared location to find an appropriate picture.

Once the picture is set in, notice the text run above and below. The picture tools format rinbbon is available and you can use text wrapping ot resolve this. Generally, our instructor selects tight. Notice the other options that we are going to try with this picture. Some of these options are new to this version of word.

look at picture style. Similar to the preview we saw in the home ribbon, you can preview these possibilities. another new feature is position which will move your picture around the page. Note: posiiton automatically evokes tight as a text wrap option and this could have been used immediately assuming the positioning of the picture was applicable. Depending on your screen characteristics, you will see an option designated as picture effects or you will see the specific effects of shadow, reflction, glow and 3D rotation. Let's try a few of these in class and it is easier to show this then describe this in print

Once we have spent some time with pictures, the final thing is the textbox indicating a coupon. The way to ahndle this is the border which is dotted. Otherwise, this is just a regular textbox with a brownish fill

Week of March 22, 2010 for sections 20,50,101. Beginning Excel

Note: as indicated above: Your test should be active. Contact me if this is not the case. You need to be on the snap2007 account to see and do the test.

Before we start excel, assuming your instructor can remember, he will bring in some World War II history books and discuss how they deal with Table Of Contents, odd and even paging, table of figures, table of index(which we did not cover), footnotes and endnotes and sources. Word will handle much of this but there should be a discussion as to how Word handles 1400 page documents.

On to Excel

This week, it is on to Excel, the second of the office components we will discuss. Excel. being a spreadsheet, can do almost everything well. It's a tie in to the rectilinear thinking that most of us deal with naturally and it allows us to use this package to solve many different problems.

Your instructor should discuss the following points with you about excel as we start

Throughout our discussion of Excel we should be doing multiple problems demonstrating it's use. You, as a student, should be doing these problems at home and/or outside of class alone to build up your expertise. Your test will be in class doing problems siilar to what we are doing together.

For this week's class, let's do the handout - the Big V auto dealership which you can access below

In dealing with this problem, we are starting our discussion of the nuts and bolts of excel. Starting from addressing we can deal with:

The hardest part of this is understanding relational addressing. Keep in mind that when you put =a2+1 into a cell, excel does not set this as the specific cell a2. if uses an offset to tell itself how many rows and columns from the entered cell a2 is. If you in a4 while putting in =a2+1, excel sets this as a offset of =2 rows, 0 columns. If you are in a1 and set =a2+1, the offset is 1 row, 0 column. If in c2, the offset to =a2+1 is 0 row, -2 columns and in the case of g5, the offset is -3 rows, -6 columns. It is this offset that is used for relationships. In the case of absolute addressing, =$a$2+1 for instance, a2 is always used.

If you understand relational vs absolute addressing, excel becomes very easy. A 2000 line item table is as simple as dealing with a 5 line item table with the only difference being the physical need to move through the line items. To this effect, Microsoft has developed the new construct, table, to even deal with this. Now, in class, before dealing with the problem for the day, your instructor will show you some examples.

We are going to look at a problem that your instructor has previously done in classes. By time we're done, we will have done many of the techniques discussed in the first 3 chapters of the excel portion of your book. But before we start, you must understand that the use of Excel has evolved over the years. The problem we are doing, and the techniques your book describes at the beginning are circa 1985 in its use. Today, excel is used as a supplement to database info (and similar type situations). There is an expectation that raw data is already available in some form (generally from a database although your instructor deals professionally with a set of problems where data is generally kept on excel spreadsheets) and that this information will need at minimum something called subtotaling. Once this is done, Excel's excellent chart (graph) tools finish up the project.

However, for our first problem, we are looking at entering our own data and this data has already been subtotalled. Nevertheless, this problem should give us an idea about entering data and formulas, looking at the normal bias of excel, use of ranges and fills, use of various functions and the use of graphs.

One addition for this term. Your instructor will attempt at the end of this problem, the Big V Auto dealership, to show you how to handle a low level date calculation.

So, if your instructor has not given you a handout - or you are going over what was done in class - let's bring up this problem and first discuss it in terms of what you know business to be and to need as far as information is concerned and then we'll start to apply some excel on it. Click here for the Big V auto dealership

Excel Discussion for 03/29/10

For the "36" class, Click here to load the file as we left it on Wednesday

Let's discuss several things pertaining to the lecture of last week (as I write this). here are some points:

Having said all that, let's look at the last thing done last week on this problem and that was the totals created in row 7. Let's assume we are at the point of the creation of these totals. Our spreadsheet would look like what's at the right.

Now, you should ask yourself: what is similar about setting totals in b7, c7, d7 and e7. Notice that this is not a question that we ask of each cell. We attempt to pose a question pertaining to a number of cells. he answer should also be generalized. Look at what you are attempting to solve as a matter of offsets of location. So, therefore, under thee assumptions, the answer for b7 is the sum of the cells above it. Likewise for c7,d7 and e7.

Okay. Now you have to pose to yourself: what is the easiest way of describing the cells above b7. Is the formula =b1+b2+b3+b4+b5+b6 the best way. What if we had 600 line items as opposed to 6. Would this be feasible? And, if feasible, would we want to provide this type of formula but for 600 cells as opposed to 6?

By now, you should have concluded that use of range would be easier, And how do we sum a range in excel. First we need to describe the range which is the "extreme" cells. In this case the farthest out cells are b1 and b6. Our range is therefore b1:b6. But we need a function to do this summing. The best candidate is sum(). Remeber, we have to include the = sign so excel understands that this is not text. Our result is =sum(b1:b6)

The picture to the right shows the entry of this formula in b7. Notice the auditing trail as the system outlines the cells n question - those in the range - in blue. Visually you can verify if this is what you want.

How about for c7, d7 and e7. It would not be incorrect to try the same procedure in those 3 cells. It would be wasteful of time. Those cells represent the same relationships with cells above them. The fastest procedure at this point would be to copy the relationship established in cell b7 (which is sum up all the cells above it) into c7,d7 and e7. You can see this below.

Now, let's continue with the resolution of the Big V auto dealership. Click here to load the file up as we left it last week. Here are some of the things we want to do today.

You can insert a row (or column) by clicking the row (or column) where the insertion should be, then clicking your right button of your mouse and clicking insert. In excel operations, you are guaranteed that an insert will not alter data. This does not apply to delte I might add and be aware that it is possible to affect a spreadsheet's data by delete. If this happens, you should immediately undo. Look to the right to see an example of the start of inserting a row.

Now, once you have the inserted rfow, what you do. Let's create column headers and, by the way, whe we created totals these are normally called column totals. This will nvolve several things including column width and what you can do with this. But even before starting this, keep in mind that excel deals with extended width differently between numeric and text. A value that is numeric that cannot fit within a column width will be altered slightly to attemp to show it. If the system can change it into scientific notation, it will. If it can cut down decimal points, it will until it gets to the integer. Now, if it still doesn't fit, the sysem will show pound signs such as #########

Text is worked differently. It will bleed into the next cells on the right assuming these have not been entered. If they have been entered, the text will be truncated. Now, with his info, let's enter the columns headers. 1 to 5 should be name, sales amount, fixed, commission and total salary. Ignore the question of whether the column header is too big for the column.

Here's our option. Your instructor will show you how to increase column length by manipulating the column divider. Another way is to use column autofit which we wll also do. The final way is to invoke some of what we learned in Word. We will do this using word wrap as you will see. We my even add rotation into this mix.

When done with text, let's do average, max and min. Luckily, the software experts at Microsoft have included functions designated as =average(), =max() and =min() into excel. All we need to do is provide the correct ranges. Now, again, we are going to do this professionally. The range for B should be b2:b7, is that not correct. Similar ranges will be required for C,D and E. Let's skip a row (probably 9) and calculate the average for each column as well as the max and the min using relationships as much as possible.

Let's talk format. It looks like we have different decimal points on different calculations. Should we go to 2 decimal or integer? Whatever we dec ide, how do we do this. The home tab has a section in the middle for manipulating number format. We will use this section to look at both 2 decimal places and integer.

Next week, we will really deal with formatting, but what if you want to apply a border. Let's do this for the total as your instructor will show. A nice double line in light blue is what I'm aiming at.

Hopefully, we are not at break when we get to this because it would be nice to resolve the entire problem today. Let's consider hiding some columns. Hide and show columns have been in existance since the 80's. We however are going to use groupings for both columns and row. Your instructor should have the necessary experise to pull this off, but we'll see

Let's graph this. We need to show salesman with salary. What would be better: a pie chart or a bar chart? any other chart? Your instructor will discuss these options and show you how to chart

Excel discussion for the week of 4/5/10

You can access the file as we left it last week by clicking here. Now, understand, this is still a rudimentary problem as far as data is concerned. 6 line items is very small by excel standards. However, we are looking at logic capability that moves this problem from simple to relatively hard.

For the cis103 - 36 class. You can access the file as we left it by clicking here

We have some add-ons that we would like to enter using a copy of the spreadheet as it is now but copied into sheet2. First, let's rename sheet1 as actual and sheet2 as proposed. Copy the formulas only from actual to proposed. Let's not do the totals as I will show you some added instrcutions for this. Now, on proposed, lets access the total salary as it appears on Actual, This is the cell e8 and this can be accessed using =actual!e8. Once this is done, let's make a modification to the proposed spreadsheet. Assume an increase in commission to 1.1% and a cost to the salesmen for expenses of $250. Let's see how this compares to the actual cost of salary. Now, once we've done this, let's continue with what was done in the previous classes.

We would like to institute a bonus situation for the sales people. Sell 175000 or more and you get a $300 bonus. How do we get Excel to make a decision - this is really what we are talking about. The program - and it is not going to be us doing this - must be able to poll the correct cell and determine whether the bonus situation is in play or not.

This is a question that is at the heart of computers. In fact, Von Neumann's theory included such branching. On the micro level, every calculation sets a series of signals as to result. Did the result go negative, zero or positive? Was the comparison less than, equal or greater than? The programmers of excel pass this along to you (through excel commands) so you can use this.

We are about to use the key to such comparisons, the IF statement. This statement was created by the developer of Fortran in 1956 and it is th only part of Fortran (except perhaps for arrays an the use of slashes and asterisks) that have survived the test of time. The if statement does a comparision using 2 values which are compared and the comparison can be less than (<), greater than (>), less than or equal (<=), greater thsn or equal (>=), equal (=) or not equal (<>). In testing, keep in mind that no values are changed on the spreadsheet. One is only testing whether such a condition is true of false

And that brings up another point. There is a school of mathematical thinking called fuzzy logic. In this case, how close matters. Someday we may see this type of logic in programs such as excel but today how close does not matter. A conditon can either be true or false and it doesn't matter how close. Let's give you some examples:

We are testing B2 if greater then or equal 175000 abd b2 contains 174999,9999. The condition is false as b2 is not greater than or equal to 175000

We are testing B2 if greater than 175000 and b2 contains 175000. The condition is false and to make it true you should change the test to greater than or equal

We are testing B2 if equal to 175000 and b2 contains 175000.001. The condition is false and again we would be wise to test against greater than or equal.

So, to do what we want to do, insert a new row and set this row to test column b for 175000 or greater per line item. We will use the excel if statement which has the format of =if(condition, what if true, what if false). What if true equals 300, what if false equals 0. The condition is b2>=175000. Our if statement is =if(b2>=175000,300,0) and below you can see the placement and the copying result

Don't forget to modify your total salary amount to reflect this bonus. You will find that this adds $900 dollars to that total in G7 and puts us positive for our proposals versus the actual expenses.

There are two more things to do to resolve this problem in full as far as your handout is cincerned. Time restraints allow for at most 1 of these to be shown and we'll even see if our actual classroom time allows for this.

Let's assume we wanted to pay the 1.1% commission on the first 200000 of sales with a 1.6% commission on the rest. This is called bracketing among many names. Here are some examples of this.

Notice that values less than (or equal) to 200000 are commissioned at 1.1%, dollars above 200000 are commissioned at 1.6%.

Our first problem in this is to mathematically break apart sales to two pieces, below 200000 and above. 175000 breaks in 175000 and 0, 210000 breaks into 200000 and 10000, and 250000 breaks into 200000 and 50000. This can be done by the min function, looking at min(b2,200000) which will give b2 if less than 200000 and 200000 if b2 is greater than 200000. The amount above is b2-min(b2,200000)

We will attack this problem by creating 2 new columns and inserting these splits with the first multiplied by 1.1% and the second multiplied by 1.6%. Below, we have started to modify the spreadsheet. A column has been added to the right of commission and the commission column, D, has had a name change to comm < 200000. Our new column is titled as commm>200000. We have set the first equation as 1.1%*min(b2,200000)

Now, let's look at the new column. It is supposed to be that amnount higher than 200000 multiplied by 1.6%. A way to do this is multiply 1.6% against b2-min(b2,200000) as you see below. A check on this will be that only 2 cells in this range of e2:e7 will be above zero and this reflects that only 2 salesmen hav e sales above 200000

Below is the spreadsheet after doing all this. In the end, given all the changes, our total proposed salary is up by 905 dollars. The second bonus, the splitting of the 500 by the highest salesmen will be a part of the site in the near future.

On to the next problem in Excel. By popular demand, we will do the books of Ian Fleming. By not so popular demand, it allows your instructor to fill this web site with pictures that come from the movies of the same name derived from the Fleming books.

For your own information, Ian Fleming was the grandson of the richest man in England for a time, RobertFleming, who made his money speculating on American railroads in something akin to the Internet bubble of years past. His grandson was a fascinating individual and more so than the character he created, he was unique in his view of things and his ability to weave a tale. His books were vere very popular in the early 1960's in this country and they remain the personal favorites of your instructor. While there are many biographies of Fleming, your instructors perceptions were the basis of the documentation of the "kicker" of a CD which, if you are interested, you can find at the bottom of web page accessed by clicking here.

Our first problem is to move over this data in Word to Excel. You can access the word document by clicking here.

This Microsoft word document purports to track the sales of the Fleming books world wide in 1964. This concept of large amounts of information broken down by category and represented by line items is a contempory one - this is done every day as databases use Excel as adjunct calculators. The descrption of this concept is lacking in most books including the one we are using for this class.

Let's copy over the data. Move over the word table and click the icon at the top/right. This should select he entire word table. There are other ways of doing this but this is the fastest. Click copy. The clipboard has the capability of manipulating data into a fromat designated as sylk. This format is perfect for data in tables and this is what is occurring to this data inside the clipboard. Now open up a new excl wookbook and on the first sheet, click paste while your cursor is in A1. The data comes back, but the only drawback is that the columns retain their default width.

All right, here's the data. Notice that the book titles are repeated a number of times and each time we see a different combination of continent and distribution point. We are going to do this problem three different ways, so to help the process, repeat this copy to sheet2 and sheet3. On Sheet1 we will be doing an old fashioned concept called subtotals. Sheet 2 will see our use of pivot tables. Sheet 3 will be the new table construct. Let's return to sheet1.

We need to calculate the profit for each line item and then propogate this through the data. What calculation are we talking about. You have a number of books by a specific title being distributed, Some are returned and therefore not sold. Each return is at a cost. The books sold are the books distributed minus the books returned. Each of these is at the profit level shown at the end of the line item. The returns are at a cost of 50 cents apiece. Calculate the net profit for each line item applicable to book distribution and book return.

Now, let's copy this relationship down through all the line items. When you are done, your spreadsheet should look something like below.

I have given the new column a title of profit per book and set this new column to 2 decimal places

Now, let's get the books names together. We can do this by a sort. Sorts have changed in Excel for this version. For our purposes, we need do as little as indicate a cell within a column and then click sort. Notice, all the book names havec been moved together. We could have sorted in reverse order by clicking Z to a. We need this congregation because we are about to invoke subtotals. The concept of subtotals goes back before WWII, which is a long tome in data processing. Tab operators used sorters to accomplich the same thing we will do. What was the concept. Organize data and give subtotals on breaks of data. What is a break? A change in value. The first column is set for this.

For the section 36 class, you can load where we left off on Wed. by Clicking here. We need to know the books distributed, the books returned and the profit for each book. At a break in the book, we need these subtotals. Wouldn't be so bad either if we could get a full total of all the books sold world wide.

A warning is necessary on this. Most students when doing this in a test, forget to do their sort. Or if sorting, use thec wrong column. You must think about the ultimate data you want. The Fleming heirs are asking the accountants for a breakdown by book title. It would be counterintuitive to assume that anything else in this spreadsheet should be sorted, for example, how would we resolve the Fleming's request if we sorted on continent. Continent would be viable if the Fleming's had requested information by continent, but this not their request.

Anyway, we are almost done with this problem. On the data ribbon you should see subtotals. Let's click this and enter the info as indicated below. We want to create subtotals based on book names and need subtotals where te names change. We want t sum our results and you can;t mix and match i.e. it's either sum or average or multiply for every column chosen, and finally, what columns to do these calculations on. So, below left, we have prepped subtotals in its dialog box. Below right you can see the results which we will talk abou below these pictures.

Notice that the columns chosen in the dialog box are summed for each book. The best way to look at subtotals is by the controls to the left. Click 1 and you will see only the totals. Click 2 to see the subtotals for each book and 3 is back to both line items and totals. Click 2 again, We can sort these but we need to use some smarts in doing this because we do not want to move grand totals out of its position. This is easiest done by getting this row outside of the table. Insert a row at grant total so that grand total is separated by a null line. Let's sort by profit similar to what we did before. Further, let's make a graph for the flemings. Remember what we did for the Big V auto dealership. You can create a graph the same way. And we can group the same way,

We should have time to do this problem by pivot table, which is why we have primed sheet 2 & 3 with the same data, and you can see a write up on Pivot tables (using Word 2003 in this example) by clicking here

Week of 4.12.10

Pivot tables began to make an appearance in excel in 1997 and each version of excel has brought changes. This version is very heads up in the way that you set in data. To start with, keep in mind the locations that this "data" can be put into. For the most part numeric data ends up in the slot designated as data. Descriptive info should go first to Row which will make this a one dimentional pivot table and then to column which makes this a two dimentional data base. The slot "page" is used to make this into what is called "cubes" in high end database work. We will do the books of Ian Fleming as a pivot table at the end of class. Keep in mind that pivot tables are almost self contained. They provide there own ribbons needed for sorting and pivot charts. While we didn't use it, formatting options are also available. There are plenty of math techniques available such as running totals and pivot table data can intermix operators (sums and averages at the same time). In our case, we end up looking like the following:

We are about to do this problem a last time. You can pick up where we left off last week by clicking here. Move to sheet3. There has been a major advance in excel in this version. In previous versions there was a need to copy down relationships and we ave talked about this. A need to separately sort and we have done that too. Generally, there is a need to select specific line items - this is called filtering - and we haven't done this yet, a need to specify where a table of data ends so that the practice of ctrl alt 8 works correctly and a need to quickly format which in previous versions was called autoformat. Excel handles all of this in one shot. Let's try it on sheet 3. Click format as table, select a design and change F to G as indicated below. We are adding a row to this table. You can see the before on the left. Now, in G on row do, set your formula. As you press enter down it goes. No more drudgery of copying the relationship. This is shown below right.

Notice that all the columns have a contol to the immediate right. Veteran excel users know this to be a sign of filtering. This version does more. Click title for instance and you will see the bottom left. Now, let's try to sort in order and reverse order.Let's pick a few books and only show them. Move to the bottom of this table and click totals in the design header. Notice a total row appears. My own experience is that you can do a no-no here that cannot be done in other versions. You can use the next immediate row and the system will not get confused. This total is shown below right,

Let's show you how easy filtering is. Go to the top and click the control next to profit. Click numeric filter and greater than. A new dialog box will pop up and let's put in 20000. This is what is going on in the picture below which composites these actions.

Notice that only the titles that have profits greater than 20000 are indicated. Even better, and something that cannot be done in prior versions of Excel, the totals have been modified at the bottom. And, by the way, the little indicators at the bottom can be used for adding to the summary capability. Take the column books distributed and apply the sum.

Now, to complete the problem you will notice that the design tab has an insert pivot table option and we are back to creating a pivot table which has been discussed.


Let's do another problem. It is baseball season so let's do a baseball problem. Open up the documentation for the CBL. The excel spreadsheet is found by clicking here.

If we have time, let's do another problem by clicking here

This is a file that displays the weights of subjects before they are placed into a trial. They are weighted thereafter. Weights, like most data, must be normalized. A pound lost by someone who is 6 ft 8 inch is not as significant as a pound lost by someone who is 5 foot. The BMI index, created in Europe tries to resolve this by setting setting up a ratio between poundage and height squared. In the US the formula is 703*wt/ht^2 where wt is in pounds and ht is the sum of inches (5 ft therefore would be 60 inches).

Let's set up the formula and even on this you can be tricky as far as excel is concerned. E2 is the before weight, F2 is the after and C2 is the square of inches. Moving from h2 to i2, we want c2 to be fixed by allow for e2 to morph into f2. You could use the formula =703*e2/$c$2. The picture below shows this:

The Excel test and Final Week

The school requires CIS103 to discuss excel. Here's what we are looking at

On the ability to set up relationships and copy them if need be (assuming you are not in the table construct). Every problem done in class started with this proposition. There was no problem where a row of info (not a header row) was looked at independently. In all cases relative addresses and relative addressing was used. Students did have an example of absolute addressing done in the class (and on the Fybbi site) but this was not a part of the test. Yet, my estimate would be that the majority of students, when faced with the community arms problem, attempted to do a line by line analysis of each unit. There were 280 units. Each unit had something like 7 pieces of info inherent to the problem. You are talking about 2000 individual calculations if such an attempt is done. You could not hope to deal with this problem and realistically complete the test if you took this course of action.

No doubt some students and members of the department will question the use of subtotals in this class. I do remind you that until pivot tables became mature in Excel, subtotals were the way to do aggregate information. This means that until 2001 or so, this was the way to solve many of these problems. I do think that subtotals continue to be used in much of industry and there is still a need to learn them. Talk to me about 10 years from now and I may give you a different opinion.

Two problems were straight pivot tables. In both problems, initial calculations did not exist - it was right to the pivot table. The statistics problem of the various web sites involved using the pivot table as if it was a regular table of data. The inability to do these calculations (or the ability to accept the wrong calculations as true) is mind boggling, if you don't mind my saying. One would assume that the ability to calculate a percentage should be something that is taught in junior high and, at worse, in High school. Last I heard this is a college class. To be given two numbers like 640 and 520 and not be able to determine the percentage increase going from 520 to 640 is amazing to my way of thinking and really should tell students what they are lacking in math skills. The second pivot table problem, using the prostate cancer statistics, should not have been a problem using either count or average as a statisitic for the pivot table.

Finally, now that the Spring '10 excel tests are over, you can download the files used for the test by clicking here.

Powerpoint has its origins in the middle '80s as users attempt to make better spreadsheet (in this case Lotus) presentations. A term starts to be used called presentation graphics. Apple is in the lead on this as far as operating system companies are concerned. Other third parties, such as Harvard graphics, also create interesting packages. When we open powerpoint we are looking to some degree at Word with no text, just Objects.

Powerpoint starts you out with a selection of templates as indicated below left. No doubt these will be useful in most cases but in the problem we will be doing these will not have much of an effect. In the middle is a super box that microsoft provides with the use of some of these templates. This superbox allows the user to insert bulleted text, tables, charts, clip art, movies and pictures. All of these objects can be inserted using the insert tab of the ribbon but this box makes it much easier. Finally, any object inserted can be animated. Animation gets you close to programming. You have the ability to create entrances and exits among other things. It's kind of fun and last term I concentrated on this with my classes. For our classes this term, it will be more chocolate and vanilla. Howver, below right, you can see an object and through the animation tab, the possibilities exist for entrance, exit and enhancement options

We will be doing a powerpoint presentation. You can see the presentation by clicking here

Click here to download the files

Notes for May 8th - we are done with these classes - how are you being marked - and the question of extra creadit for the powerpoint presentation

For my students, I want you to understand that the teaching methods and the material for this term's CIS103 classes are at two/thirds level to where this course is supposed to be for Fall'10. The course is being upgraded and this process started during summer'09 and continues today. As far as teaching methods are concerned, your instructor has gotten tired on the "laissez faire" attitude toward attendance, promptness and test taking exhibited by many students at CCP. As I am to understand, it not optional and certainly not the student's discretion whether or not to take tests. The Word test, given through the snap web site, had a two week, one day window to take it. Some of you decided that this meant 2 weeks and two days and some students decided that the need to take the test did include them. Either way, you will receive a zero for this test if it was not taken and it counts for 40% or so of your mark. Similarly, some of you seemed to feel the same way as far as the in-class excel test. If you missed it, you had to provide written, verifiable proof of your reason and the reason had to be significant. One person is in this position and is being allowed to take the test at a later date. She will receive an I to that point. If you did not take this test and are not that person, you will receive a 0 for the test and it counts for 45 points of your grade.

Additionally, some students have requested extra credit assignments. If you read your syllabus, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to read it now if you haven't yet, a built in extra credit is part of these classes. The sum of the marking events - word, excel, powerpoint and library - come to 101 points for the class. There is an additional 4 points that I reward for normal behavior in my classes. This means that if you regularly attended, generally made it on time and stayed for the class, either paid or feigned attention, didn't cause commotion in the class room and took the tests on time, you should receive this bonus. With the bonus, this class has 105 points and is marked on the basis of 100. If you did not receive this bonus, you are marked on the basis of 101 points which the first 100 count. Even without the bonus, there is more credit in these classes than any other classes at CCP. With the bonus, you even have a better chance of doing well. In addition, your instructor reserves the right to change the percentages for the different marking events in the class. Perhaps for you, 50% for Word and 35% for Excel will put you in a higher bracket than the nominal 40% and 45% described in the syllabus. We will do this for all students who got my 4% of your mark. Those who did not receive my bonus will be marked on the percentages as indicated in the syllabus.

Additional, during the powerpoint final, I indicated that I would be setting up a contest which at most 1 or 2 students could win. I will describe what I am looking for, shortly, but first a disclaimer. You should not even try this if you don't have the time. And, given that it is only for 10 additional points and the highest probability is that you will not receive this, I would only do this if you enjoy challenges. So, as we start our explanation, keep this is mind - there may not even be a winner, and if there is, it probably will just one student (although if there is a tie, I may go to two students.

I am very open in class about my lack of artistic skill. I make this up by being proficient in the technology. You have to have more skill than I. I am in a position to take the advantage of learning from you. You have seen the powerpoint presentation I did in class. It is at the media link on You can access my slides and the pictures on them that were used at that link. In addition, above this explanation is a link for the pictures themselves and I hav e included nine additional pictures that you may use. The theme of the powerpoint slides was the transformtion from the bitterly cold winter into a spring like atmosphere as the Cherry Hill group did its performance. As said, you have access to the pictures indivdually using the links above. Here's what you can try

Again, do this if you have the time and like the challenge.

Download Spring 2009 Word Test
Download Fall 2008 Word Test

Your excel test will be done in class during the weeks of April 19-23 and April 26-29' Click here to see the files used in these tsts and you can download them if you like

Click here for a powerpoint slide show as shown in class